HP Flexible Capacity offers a pay-as-you-grow solution that allows you to scal instantly to handle growth needs without the usual wait for the procurement process. A component of HP Datacenter Care, this unique approach does not tie up capital and creates an environment where you capacity never runs out.
Managing and operating a datacenter entails working with a myriad of complex technologies that can be difficult to run efficiently and effectively. This Technology Spotlight explores the trends affecting enterprise datacenters and discusses the role that HP plays in providing services that meet today's dynamic computing needs.
Flexible Capacity: A Scalable On-Premise Datacenter Platform with Public Cloud ...
No organization is safe from cyber attacks. To secure your networks at the highest possible level, you must periodically reevaluate your security defenses, security defenses, your future network plans, and how best to protect your organization.
Increase Network Security in Just 6 Steps
The volume of network traffic today - and attacks against it - create challenges for network professionals. Yesterday's security may not be able to protect, with acceptable performance, today's multi-gigabit networks and mobile devices.
Stop Cyberattacks with Layered Security Approach
Studies show the average time to resolve a security breach once detected is more than 45 days, and companies lose more than $1.6 million during that time. The obstacles to faster response include lack of resources and an inability to effectively communicate and collaborate among the multiple teams and tools larger enterprises rely on for protection.
Outrunning the Bear: 5 critical ways to take a more ...
To avoid being breached, you have to get it right every single time. To breach you, hackers only have to get it right once. Experts advise breaches are inevitable. And according to Ponemon Institute, the average time to resolve a cyber attack is 45 days, with an average cost of $35,647 per day. The key to minimizing damage is preparation.
Breach Response: How to Prepare for the Inevitable A white ...
Ponemon Institute has completed its fifth year studying the cost of cyber crime to businesses around the world. The 2014 Cost of Cyber Crime Study taps the collective experience of 257 organizations in seven countries.
2014 Cost of Cyber Crime Study: Global
As the incidence and cost of cyber crime have escalated, organizations have responded by establishing security operations centers (SOC) to detect and counter cyber attack and to assure compliance with industry guidelines. But how capable are SOCs, and where is the greatest opportunity for improvement?
State of security operations 2014 report of capabilities and maturity ...
A new survey from IDG Research Services tells the story: most organizations lack confidence in the ability of their security defenses to keep them safe. In fact, more than half said 100% security is a pipe dream.