When it comes to enterprise security, Big Data is part of the problemand it is part of the solution. Collecting vast amounts of data from disparate sourcesincluding the cloudexposes the enterprise to new threats and creates vast new stores of data you must protect.
Daily Archives: November 18, 2014
A study by Verizon finds 86% of security breaches come from the outside. Spotting cyber attacks in your network means identifying the signatures of known threats. Reputation data takes that one step farther by identifying communications coming from or going to known bad actors based on their reputations.
The Importance of Reputation
The number of cyber attacks against midsize companies has doubled in the last year. And cost per employee is more than three times that of larger companies.
CSO QuickPulse IT Security: Midsize Businesses Face Enterprise-Caliber Threats
In the fight against cyber bad guys, having smart, skilled good guys is critical. But even as businesses increase their reliance on security analysts, they face a serious workforce shortage as they attempt the find and hire the talent needed.
Growing the Security Analyst
As the incidence and cost of cyber crime have escalated, organizations have responded by establishing security operations centers (SOC) to detect and counter cyber attack and to assure compliance with industry guidelines. But how capable are SOCs, and where is the greatest opportunity for improvement?
State of security operations 2014 report of capabilities and maturity ...
How does your cyber security program compare to other companies? Where do your security people, processes, and technology place you among peer organizations?
ESG Brief: Cybersecurity Maturity Model
Your ability to spot and stop cyber attacks depends on having the right security people, processes, and technology in place. HP Security Intelligence and Operations Consulting has assessed the security programs of dozens of enterprises.
Mature Security eBook
Critical infrastructure industries vary in the sophistication of their digital defenses. But malware including Stuxnet and Flame, denial-of-service attacks on the financial industry, and other threats have made it clear that all sectors are targets.
Critical Infrastructure and Cybersecurity eBook
Security risks have grown roughly in proportion to the meteoric growth inemployee-owned mobile devices within the workplace. Meanwhile cyber-attacks are growing in sophistication and severity.
Mobile Security: Confidence Ebbs as BYOD Booms
To prepare students for career readiness in a rapidly changing world, colleges and universities are shifting toward more personalized and collaborative learning environments. Institutions are providing students access to learning anywhere, anytime, on almost any device.