• Are You Ready to Navigate the AI Regulatory Landscape? - As an IT leader, you are frequently tasked with staying ahead of the newest technology trends, particularly the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) and its accompanying regulatory challenges. With global efforts to mitigate the risks associated with AI, particularly generative AI, now taking center stage, there’s much to understand and much to prepare for. AI […]
  • What Does an IT Outage Cost Your Company? - Watts S. Humphrey penned the simple yet elegant phrase “Every company is a software company” in his 2001 book, “Winning With Software: An Executive Strategy.” During the early days of the catastrophic CrowdStrike outage, I found myself repeating, “Every company is a software company.” The global outage started on July 19 when a faulty software […]
  • The Rising Menace of APIs in Cybersecurity - Application programming interfaces (APIs) have become a significant part of the modern-day internet infrastructure, providing seamless integration of different software applications. However, they have also become a prime target for cybercriminals. A recent Akamai report, “Lurking in the Shadows: Attack Trends Shine Light on API Threats,” reveals that 29% of web attacks over the past […]
  • Survey: Cybersecurity Tops Enterprise Tech Priority List - According to one recent survey, cybersecurity is still the top enterprise technology priority for IT decision-makers, ahead of even attention-grabbing artificial intelligence (AI). Considering the amount of coverage AI has been getting over the last year or so, you’d think it would be a top priority for enterprise organizations—especially since just about every technology and […]
  • AI Is Impacting Data Centers—and the Earth - Since the introduction of ChatGPT in late 2022, AI has been greeted as a transformational game changer for businesses. However, nearly two years later, organizations’ use of AI is uneven. While some companies have successfully embraced AI, most are taking baby steps with it or still figuring out how to use it in productive, ethical, […]
  • Coming to Grips with Technical Debt - What’s the size of your organization’s technical debt? Unfortunately, many IT leaders can’t answer this question accurately. Not only don’t many IT leaders know the gamut of their organization’s technical debt, but they struggle with knowing fully how it impacts their business. In addition, many IT leaders don’t have a meaningful strategy for addressing their […]
  • Can AI Help Ease WFH Anxiety? The Remote Work Question - Artificial intelligence has become so pervasive in today’s business climate that the rarer species is a technology that doesn’t utilize some form of AI. Indeed, AI itself is no longer a differentiating feature for new and existing applications and technologies, which is now leading organizations to focus their messaging on the user, not on the […]
  • 6 Things You Need to Know About Ransomware in 2024 - If you don’t think ransomware is one of the most serious criminal threats to your organization in 2024, you haven’t been paying attention. Ransomware was a $1.1 billion industry in 2023, and successful attacks inflicted brand, financial, and operational damage to nearly every type of organization, large, small, and middling. Just ask MGM Resorts, which […]
  • More on IT Spending: A Rosy Second Half? - Analyses show a slow but steady increase in IT spending in 2024. However, how the money is being spent is the subject of debate. Following on our last blog, which noted research firm Forrester predicted a 5.5% increase in IT spending in 2024, data from Gartner and Enterprise Technology Research (ETR) also show single-digit increases. […]
  • The Next Big Thing: Machine Customers - Today, generative AI is all the rage. In the news, it’s everywhere. As a result, the emergence of machine customers has probably not grabbed your attention as generative AI has. Machine customers are connected, increasingly smart devices that possess the ability to purchase goods and services for your organization. While “machine customers” is the most […]
  • Tech Spending: Will We See a Rise in 2024? - After a few years of “growth at all costs” and the purchase of systems and services to accommodate such growth, the tech sector saw a slowdown in 2022 and 2023. That’s not news to anyone who makes a living building, buying, or selling technology—in other words, pretty much everyone. Recent numbers from Forrester, however, foretell […]
  • Industry Clouds Are Rolling In - The swift and steady adoption of cloud technology has fundamentally changed the way organizations interact with data. It’s also led to data overload, as individuals and organizations alike have become less selective in what data they delete and what they hold on to (after all, cloud storage is infinite, right?). You know that old adage […]
  • It’s Time to Get Proactive About Security - It’s a new year, which means many of us have made our New Year’s resolutions. And while our intentions are worthy—lose weight, stop smoking, eat less junk food—many times we unintentionally fall back into our familiar patterns, giving up on our resolutions because they’re too difficult, uncomfortable, or otherwise don’t fit into our lifestyle. Changing […]
  • 2024 Trends: Better Business Through Generative AI - The new year is upon us, and for many, it’s out with the old and in with the new. Outdated, inflexible systems and processes will be shown the door, ushering in a new way of working smarter, not harder. Not surprisingly, artificial intelligence, including generative AI, will continue to drive many technology conversations in 2024. […]
  • Cloud-Native Comes Down to Earth - If there is one given in technology, it’s that everything follows a similar life cycle – a path of adoption, if you will. Research firm Gartner calls it the “Hype Cycle,” with five phases to track a technology’s maturity and future potential (my favorite phase name is the ‘Trough of Disillusionment’), and whether we’re discussing […]
  • Generative AI: Well Beyond Science Fiction - Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a topic of discussion since the late 1960s when HAL first told Dave he was “unable to” open the pod bay doors because “the mission is too important for me (HAL) to allow you (Dave) to jeopardize it.” Although the concept of AI had been around well before “2001: A […]
  • Security Threats Continue to Weigh Heavy on Tech Buyers’ Minds - Despite best efforts, security remains a tough nut to crack for many organizations. Security spending is at an all-time high, estimated to top $76 billion worldwide in 2023, according to Statista. And yet, the bad guys continue to infiltrate networks, steal data, and hold information hostage or worse. No industry, company size, or location is […]
  • Storage and Sustainability: Strange Bedfellows - When you think of storage, do you think of sustainability? Unfortunately for many IT leaders, the answer to this question is a disappointing “No.” That’s the finding of a recent survey conducted by Pure Storage. The company polled 1,000 sustainability program managers in the U.S., U.K., France, and Germany about the importance of sustainability in […]
  • How Trustworthy Is Your Use of AI? - When you lose other people’s trust, it’s often difficult to regain it. Or impossible. As CIOs and other IT decision-makers orchestrate their companies’ use of ChatGPT and other generative AI programs, they need to ensure their AI initiatives don’t suddenly implode. A poorly managed generative AI effort could lead a company leadership to halt all […]
  • Cybersecurity and AI: Better Together? - These days, it seems as though everyone is talking about AI and its various flavors (think: ChatGPT). The number of headlines about the technology has renewed the conversations regarding its impact on everything from planning vacations to designing next-generation IT infrastructures. There’s still a lot of speculation, as AI is just now coming into its […]
