re you part of an enterprise seeking to empower a completely mobile workforce while enabling ITadministrators to manage and secure their rapidly changing networks? IT decision-makers an line-of-business leaders alike will find the insights presented in Five Important Buying Criteria to Enable a Totally Mobile Workforce helpful for executing a mobile conversion strategy.
VMware has been positioned as a leader in the IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Virtual ClientComputing Software 2015 Vendor Assessment. VMware was recognized as having the most complete strategy and solution capabilities for delivering virtual desktops and applications through its VMware Horizon portfolio of solutions and services.
IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Virtual Client Computing Software 2015 Vendor Assessment
Applications are everywhere. An ever-increasing variety of applications and online services keep thewheels of business turning.
Application-Delivery Options in VMware Horizon 6
If you are considering your next round of investment in end-user computing and have dismissed VDI asan option because of cost, look again! With the launch of VMware Horizon 6, the scenario has changed: VDI is now the lowest capital-cost option. VMware sees cost reduction as a journey.
Cost Leadership in End-User Computing: Virtual Desktops, Real Savings
Semi-Static Data is data that changes infrequently. This type of data can be difficult to manage efficiently within a mobile application especially if changes need to be reflected in near real-time.
Managing Semi-Static Data for Mobile Applications
Today's consumers are highly reliant on their mobile applications. If apps don't work, users won't use them -- it's that simple. As a mobile developer, how can you ensure that your mobile apps always work?
How to Choose a Database for your Mobile Apps
Public sector IT execs may worry about protecting data in the cloud, but a smart, clear approachand the right partnercan put those fears to rest. Download the attached infographic and get the 5 Guidelines That Cover The Basics of Cloud Data Security.
Infographic: 5 Guidelines That Cover The Basics of Cloud Data Security
In a business environment where IT departments are constantly asked to do more with less, the tantalizing cost and agility benefits of virtualization have made its adoption pervasive. However, when it comes to data protection, IT has remained plagued with less-than-ideal options for protecting and recovering VM data.
Recover VMs Faster
In this case study, we look at Mansfield Oil, a leading North American energy supplier that delivers fuel to customers nationwide. The challenge that Mansfield faced was that it had modernized its IT infrastructure, but still used several VM backup tools that decentralized management and required excessive administration.
Customer Success Story Veeam Backup and Replication and HP StoreOnce ...
Globalization has become the norm. The exploding use of mobile devices and the Internet now requires most business' websites to be constantly available.