Leading companies are trying to accommodate their employees and are realizing that investments in mobility can improve productivity, attract top talent, and allow for innovative ways to do business. However, the increase in the number of devices used for a modern mobile strategy naturally brings some risks that must be addressed to avoid an increase in management costs, security problems, data theft, or compliance issues.
Dell Mobile Clinical Computing is a desktop virtualization and identity access management solution that enables clinicians to securely access apps and data from anywhere on any device.
Transforming Healthcare with Dell Mobile Clinical Computing
As mobile device use becomes pervasive in healthcare, regulatory agencies address patient safety, privacy and need for innovation. mHealth, short for mobile health, has become a disruptive force in healthcare, changing the way clinicians and patients interact with technology.
Mobile Health Regulations: Global Efforts and Readiness
As the number of mobile devices and telework employees continues to grow throughout the federal government, agencies are facing new challenges as they work to fortify an unprecedented and ever-growing number of potential entry points for cybersecurity breaches. Download Making Mobile Manageable: Secure Mobility for the Enterprise, to see how you can more effectively support mobility initiatives as they continue to evolve throughout government.
Making Mobile Manageable: Secure Mobility for the Enterprise
Forrester presents the relevant endpoint security data from their most recent surveys, with special attention given to those trends affecting SMBs (firms with 20 to 999 employees) and enterprises (firms with 1,000+ employees), along with analysis that explains the data in the context of the overall security landscape. As organizations prepare for the 2015 budget cycle, security and risk (S&R) professionals should use this annual report to help benchmark their organization's spending patterns against those of their peers while keeping an eye on current trends affecting endpoint security in order to strategize their endpoint security adoption decisions.
The State Of Endpoint Security Adoption 2014 To 2015
In order to have a responsive and resilient website, there are critical decisions you should make in the planning process with regard to security, load testing, load balancing and scalability. In this paper, Terri Donahue, Microsoft IIS MVP, outlines specific decisions and tasks you should perform to effectively plan and implement your IIS environment.
Internet Information Services (IIS) Implementation Best Practices
A private clouad can build the best value. But wahts the best way to build a private cloud?
Realize the Benefits of Open Private Cloud Solutions
To deliver its potential, your business needs a thriving workforce one that is empowered to be creative, productive, and efficient. At the same time, your employees increasingly expect a convenient, reliable, and frictionless user experience on their primary device.
Dell tablets: A Winning Combination of PC Performance and Portability
Tablets are increasingly finding their way into the workplace as workers become accostomed to their portability and ease of use, but a number of obstacles often prevent tablets from being used as a primary business device. Download this paper to better understand these challenges, see how Dell Venue tablets with Intel® Core or Intel® Atom processors can help, and see real-world examples of tablets at work.
Transforming Your Business with Tablets
This SIEM Buyer's Guide is for the resource-constrained IT pros who need the security benefits of SIEM but are held down by imposing budget and staffing requirements. Read this paper and understand how to adopt a SIEM model which is powerful in capability, simple to use, at the same time not draining your budget.