In today's global, always-on world, network security is crucial. Enterprises need to ensure that employees accessing their networks are secure at all times. A comprehensive network security solution needs to include a number of factors, including network reliability, resources for managing the network, network features and functions, and full integration.
The Target security breach and discovery of the Heartbleed vulnerability in web encryption software taught us some important lessons about enterprise security. Analyst Robin Layland applies those lessons to establish key requirements for next-generation firewalls (NGFW).
The 2014 Next Generation Firewall Challenge
The security industry has thousands of researchers looking for vulnerabilities in the software you use-- HP Security Research alone has more than 3000. But how do you apply the security intelligence they develop to the job of protecting your network?
Next Generation Enterprise Network Security Solutions: The Importance of Incorporating ...
Ponemon Institute has completed its fifth year studying the cost of cyber crime to businesses around the world. The 2014 Cost of Cyber Crime Study taps the collective experience of 257 organizations in seven countries.
Ponemon Cost of Cyber Crime Study: Global Report
Businesses have relied on endpoint defenses like anti-virus software for protection against malware. But while endpoint defenses are necessary, the headlines show they are not sufficient.
HP TippingPoint A New Approach to Malware Defense
Some of the most serious threats networks face today are bots, remotely controlled robotic programs that strike in many different ways and deliver destructive payloads, self propagating to infect more and more systems and eventually forming a botnet. Download this whitepaper and learn how bots work and how, by adopting the right strategy, you can use a defense-in-depth strategy to effectively prevent direct attacks against your critical systems.
The Bot Threat
Today's workforce is highly mobile. They don't just work on laptops, they also use smartphones, tablets and other devices, many of which they brought into the enterprise themselves.
8 Ways to Better Monitor Network Security Threats in the ...
Security risks have grown roughly in proportion to the meteoric growth inemployee-owned mobile devices within the workplace. Meanwhile cyber-attacks are growing in sophistication and severity.
Mobile Security: Confidence Ebbs as BYOD Booms
Critical infrastructure industries vary in the sophistication of their digital defenses. But malware including Stuxnet and Flame, denial-of-service attacks on the financial industry, and other threats have made it clear that all sectors are targets.
Critical Infrastructure and Cybersecurity eBook
Your ability to spot and stop cyber attacks depends on having the right security people, processes, and technology in place. HP Security Intelligence and Operations Consulting has assessed the security programs of dozens of enterprises.