Is your organization thinking about or already implementing cloud technology? Being positioned as a Leader or Visionary in this Gartner report is viewed as the gold standard to which all cloud providers aspire.
Transformation-oriented IT leaders can gain valuable insight in the webinar "Bridging the Gap: Future-state Roadmap for IT Organizations" with IDC Research VP Melanie Posey and CenturyLink VP David Shacochis. As IT evolves from being a "necessary evil" cost center to occupying center stage as a digital business enabler, IT leaders must reinvent themselves as "enterprise architects" who can serve as partners to the lines-of-business, ensuring that IT capabilities and resources are tightly integrated into business planning processes.
Bridging the Gap: Future-State Roadmap for IT Organizations
Written for IT decision-makers with responsibility for eCommerce infrastructure, this CenturyLink-commissioned survey by Forrester Consulting evaluates the current adoption trends and challenges with hosted eCommerce solutions. Read this report to ensure you are investing in solutions that will bolster your eCommerce infrastructure for a superior customer experience - while also driving the agility and operational efficiency you need to stay competitive.
Retailers Invest in Web and Mobile Performance to Win Business ...
Written for IT decision-makers with responsibility for eCommerce infrastructure, this CenturyLink-commissioned survey by Forrester Consulting evaluates the current adoption trends and challenges with hosted eCommerce solutions. Read this report to ensure you are investing in solutions that will bolster your eCommerce infrastructure for a superior customer experience - while also driving the agility and operational efficiency you need to stay competitive.
Retailers Invest in Web and Mobile Performance to Win Business ...
Learn the 7 Secrets to High Availability in the Cloud! These best practices are tailored to networking execs, architects and developers charged with delivering superior uptime for applications delivered in a hybrid IT environment.
Seven Secrets to High Availability in the Cloud
This highly informative executive brief is written for both IT and business leaders dealing with the rapid pace of change within their markets and the IT implications of new business initiatives, spin-offs, or mergers and Acquisitions. Each of these business impacting events presents unique challenges to IT that must be fully understood and dealt with.
Empower Continuous Business Change With Hybrid IT
Business Strategy, more than ever, depends on the execution and delivery of smart technology enabled services. IT management is being challenged to align their capabilities to that strategy and lead the technology charge. Often however, there exists a gap between the capabilities IT departments possess and the demands of the business.
Move IT from the Back Room to the Boardroom (eBook)
Have you ever wondered what CIOs would do if they could start their IT departments from scratch? CenturyLink posed that very question to a group of IT leaders at a CIO roundtable it sponsored in the UK.
What Would CIOs do to Redefine IT?
t's clear that digital plays a significant role in shaping how customers engage with brands but barriers exist that prevent organizations from delivering best-in-class digital experiences to their customers. A recent Forrester Consulting survey of CIOs and CMOs revealed that IT organizations focusing on infrastructure operations and keeping the lights on are a barrier to achieving business success, and organizations must collaborate with marketing in order to deliver IT agility.
Build Exceptional Customer Experiences with IT Agility
Download the CenturyLink executive brief "Optimizing for Innovation: How Hybrid IT Outsourcing Shifts IT Focus to Innovation and explore how cost efficiencies can be achieved via the different elements of a Hybrid IT infrastructure outsource approach, allowing IT groups to apply more of the IT budget to innovation.