Download "5 Steps to building advanced Security in Software-Defined Data Centers" to get the three common data center challenges and the key ingredients for advanced security in the SDDC. The whitepaper also shows how VMware and Check Point have integrated their best of breed virtualization and advanced threat prevention technologies to boost security and realize the full value of Sofware-Defined Data Center architectures.
Check Point
According to ESG research, 67% of cybersecurity professionals working at enterprise organizations (i.e., more than 1,000 employees) believe that the overall threat landscape is worse today than it was two years ago.
Enterprises Need a Tightly Integrated and Centrally Managed Defense-in-depth Architecture
Many organizations are struggling to move fast enough to keep pace with mobile device and application innovation. This struggle is creating risk around mobility and compromising security.
3 steps to implementing an effective BYOD Mobile Security Strategy
Mobile data protection solutions defend access to secure data on storage systems in notebooks, removable media, desktops, servers and cloud storage environments. Download Gartner's "Magic Quadrant for Mobile Data Protection Solutions," a newly released report that identifies the top 3 leaders in the mobile security space.