In the latter half of the 20th Century, health and social organizations began to undergo a fundamental change in the way their programs, services and benefits were delivered. This change was, in large part, due to changing demographic conditions as societies worldwide grew older, families became less traditional, and labor patterns evolved from the job for life model to one characterized by many careers combined with significant periods out of the workforce.
Energy and Utility companies are being challenged by fundamental changes to their business model. Core expectations persist for the delivery of affordable, reliable, sustainable energy, despite declining operations and maintenance budgets and aging asset base. Energy and utility companies need to disruptively innovate business processes through analytics driven operational excellence to increase agility and responsiveness, reduce operational costs and improve asset reliability.
Advanced Asset Analytics Drive Operational Excellence for Energy and Utility ...
IBM Care Management looks beyond clinical determinants and incorporates social and psychological determinants to provide a comprehensive view of health. IBM Care Management is a packaged software application that delivers key capabilities required to manage care across the full process
IBM Care Management On Demand Webinar
Read this issue of Smarter Content Now to learn what it takes to turn information into insights, action and results. Get insights from Gartner and IBM to learn how content management solutions are helping the world's top companies make better decisions, faster.
Gartner and IBM ECM Newsletter
Read this executive summary of a recent eBroadcast with experts from Frost & Sullivan and IBM to learn how a comprehensive, cloud-based enterprise content management system can ensure better collaboration, increased flexibility, and reduced costs for your organization.
Generation Now Pervasive Content Collaboration: Leveraging Cloud with ECM
Read this report from AIIM to discover what issues on-premise ECM users are facing, how external collaboration support is managed, what cloud and mobile functionalities users are requesting, and what alternative scenarios are being considered.
ECM and the Cloud: My Documents or Our Documents?
Mobile capture is quickly becoming an important differentiators for many companies and organizations, especially those in traditionally document-intensive fields like banking, insurance, healthcare and government operations. According to a 2014 study conducted by AIIM, 45% of companies feel that mobile capture is vitally important, pointing to the competitive need for improved process agility and customer service across the board.Discover the top 10 questions to ask before you make your investment in mobile capture.
Are You Ready for Mobile Capture?
BM® Daeja® ViewONE® Professional document viewer makes it easier for business and IT professionals to view large documents and images as part of their enterprise content management (ECM) solution. The powerful document viewer includes productivity modules and add-on modules to enhance functionality and support.
Daeja Free Trial
MWD Advisors report on how Case Management technology can help drive effective outcomes & how a clear Content Management strategy underpins success in Case Management
The Central Role of Content Management in Case Management
Read this report from Forrester Research to learnhow IBM ACM solutions improve the efficiency of knowledge workers, integrate with analytics to create upselling and cross-selling opportunities and reduce the cost and risk of regulatory fines through increased audit consistency.