Many organizations depend on cloud platforms for their enterprise workloads. Developers leverage public cloud platforms to build and deploy new applications, and enterprise IT shops are building private clouds.
The virtualization market is moving to a layer of software above the hypervisor called cloud system software, which abstracts across pools of compute, storage, and networking. Enterprises use this type of software to create private clouds.
OpenStack: An Open Alternative to Proprietary Cloud System Software
Struggling to keep up with increasing application demand? Platform as a Service (PaaS) can streamline application development processes and make resource management easy with auto-scaling and consistent integration.
Openshift Enterprise: An On-Premise, Private PaaS by Red Hat
Looking to PaaS to accelerate application service delivery by automating and streamlining application development, deployment and scaling? PaaS offers many benefits and choosing the right PaaS is key to getting those benefits, so make sure you have considered everything
Executive Checklist: Platform-as-a-Service (Paas)
You want to take advantage of automation technologies and a cloud architecture to increase the productivity of your developers? Learn how PaaS can help you streamline the application development and improve the operational efficiency of your organization, while allowing you to use the existing infrastructure.
The path to the enterprise PaaS
Growing business demand for new applications has put a strain on IT organizations leading to the need for an effective PaaS to accelerate app development processes. Explore PaaS market trends, benefits and an in-depth look at OpenShift Enterprise by Red Hat in this IDC Technology Spotlight.