You want to automate with PaaS developing, deploying and scaling applications and optimize for faster deployment? To use the numerous benefits of PaaS optimally, you need a solution that covers all relevant points.
Daily Archives: November 6, 2014
To accelerate your delivery of application services, you are planning to turn to the PaaS to automate and simplify the development, deployment and scalability of applications? PaaS offers many advantages, provided that you choose the most suitable platform for your needs: it is crucial to think of everything.
The growing demand for new applications puts IT departments under high pressure. Therefore, an effective PaaS system is needed, which can speed up application development.
She has extensive insight into OpenShift Enterprise of Red
Changing needs in terms of new applications has forced IT organizations to adopt effective PaaS to accelerate their application development process. This Technology Spotlight from IDC presents the latest trends in PaaS, their advantages and Enterprise qu'OpenShift by Red Hat.
their advantages and Enterprise qu’OpenShift by Red Hat.
You want to take advantage of automation technologies and a cloud architecture to increase the productivity of your developers? Learn how PaaS can help you streamline the application development and improve the operational efficiency of your organization, while allowing you to use the existing infrastructure.
The path to the enterprise PaaS
Do you want to increase the productivity of your developers with automation and a cloud architecture?Learn how to optimize your business application development with PaaS, use the existing infrastructure and further operational efficiency can increase significantly.