Microsoft is discontinuing support for Windows Server 2003 in July 2015, so now is the time to start planning your move and avoid possible server management, performance, security and compliance issues. This paper explores the new features and benefits of Windows Server 2012 R2, as well as key considerations for moving from legacy platforms.
Daily Archives: May 13, 2015
This IDC white paper considers the approaching end of extended support for Windows Server 2003 and explores Windows Server migration options, hardware/software replacements, and support services to help customers tackle the modernization effort. It also evaluates the benefits that customers can enjoy, thanks to a move off of Windows Server 2003 prior to the conclusion of extended support.
Windows Server Modernization: Risk Mitigation and Innovation for Future Preparedness ...
This executive brief explains the importance of creating and implementing a Windows Server migration plan. An infrastructure review and update is key to ensuring your organization is aligned to meet both today's business needs and future changes or opportunities.
Why a Server Infrastructure Refresh Now & Why Dell?
A crisis is coming to data centers. Microsoft will end support for Windows Server 2003 on July 14, 2015, yet a shocking 10 million servers are still running that operating system. The downside of inaction is high. When support ends, there will be no scheduled security patches, leaving many systems open to attack.
The End is Near: Support for Windows Server 2003 Approaches ...
Some of the most serious threats networks face today are "bots", remotely controlled robotic programs that strike in many different ways and deliver destructive payloads, self-propagating to infect more and more systems and eventually forming a "botnet". Download this whitepaper and learn the way bots work and how, by adopting the right strategy, you can use a defense-in-depth strategy to effectively prevent direct attacks against your critical systems.
The Bot Threat
To protect your business from cyber attack, you must understand where you are vulnerable and structure defenses to thwart attacks. This innovative study from HP Security Research brings the information you need to do that.
Cyber Risk Report
For years businesses have relied on endpoint defenses like anti-virus software for protection against malware. But while endpoint defenses are necessary, the headlines show they are not sufficient.
A New Approach to Malware Defense
When you are hacked, every second matters. It's critical to detect and stop the attack before serious damage is done to your business.
Improve Your Security in 30 Days
A new survey from IDG Research Services tells the story: most organizations lack confidence in the ability of their security defenses to keep them safe. In fact, more than half said 100% security is a pipe dream.
Network World QuickPulse: SECURITY
The security industry has thousands of researchers looking for vulnerabilities in the software you use -HP Security Research alone has a team of more than 3000. But how do you apply the security intelligence they develop to the job of protecting your network?