Choosing the right MPS solution takes preparation and careful thought. Find the strategies you need to choose the right provider fit for your business.
IT Management
Read how MPS can help you free up resources to keep up with tightening budgets and constantly-evolving IT demands. If you're looking to reinvest in strategic initiatives, look to a provider that not only helps you save, but can bring value to critical areas like moving to the cloud and introducing automation.
Download Managed Document and Print Services: Take a Closer Look ...
Testing students is necessary to assess performance, but creating, distributing, customizing and grading tests is expensive. Now college administrators can shorten the time testing requiresand lower its cost.
Simplify Testing in Higher Education with Ricoh
State and federal regulations such as No Child Left Behind mean that schools must test K-12 students frequently to assess their progress. However, creating, distributing and grading tests can be time consuming and expensive.
Lower the Cost of K-12 Testing with Ricoh
Looking to improve educational outcomes through digital content? Schools investing in Windows 8 devices can now integrate an ever-increasing number of K-12 apps into daily classroom instruction.
16 New Windows 8 School Apps: Building a 21st Century Learning ...
Organizations invest in collaboration tools such as workspace technology and enterprise social software to give employees more and better information and the ability to act on it. However, workers largely don't use these tools, even though collaboration is key to long-term business viability.
Improve Collaboration with Integrated Tools
Organizations are inundated with paper. Even so, the adoption of paper-free processes has been slow. A recent survey by the Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM) found that a paper-free office improves response times and staff productivity.
Go Paperless to Save Time and Money
Struggling to keep up with increasing application demand? Platform as a Service (PaaS) can streamline application development processes and make resource management easy with auto-scaling and consistent integration.
Openshift Enterprise: An On-Premise, Private PaaS by Red Hat
Looking to PaaS to accelerate application service delivery by automating and streamlining application development, deployment and scaling? PaaS offers many benefits and choosing the right PaaS is key to getting those benefits, so make sure you have considered everything
Executive Checklist: Platform-as-a-Service (Paas)
You want to take advantage of automation technologies and a cloud architecture to increase the productivity of your developers? Learn how PaaS can help you streamline the application development and improve the operational efficiency of your organization, while allowing you to use the existing infrastructure.