Your IT organization plays a strategic role in business operations. Line-of-business leaders expect you to deliver innovative new solutions that give the business a competitive advantage.
IT Management
IT organizations constantly juggle 2 almost opposing priorities: continuously delivering business-critical application services while keeping IT expenses in line with budget constraints. But with Red Hat, you don't have to choose 1 or the other.
Doing More with Less: How Red Hat Enterprise Linux Shrinks ...
IT organizations constantly juggle 2 almost opposing priorities: continuously delivering business-critical application services while keeping IT expenses in line with budget constraints. But with Red Hat, you don't have to choose 1 or the other.
Doing More with Less: How Red Hat Enterprise Linux Shrinks ...
In this analyst paper, Gartner showcases 13 factors that are driving UNIX market decline - grouped into hardware factors, software factors, vendor influences, and evolving operations - and provides profiling circumstances for organizations to calculate the speed of and the priority of UNIX migration planning.
Is It Time to Migrate from Unix?
Discover the major problems that have been facing today's IT world. The changing landscape of IT over the past decade has seen more and more computer, network and storage solutions, creating a complicated web of siloed technologies that drive up costs and create headaches for those in charge of support.
The Future of Convergence Is Here
Learn about the cost savings and business benefits of DB2 with BLU Acceleration. In a commissioned study, Forrester Consulting evaluated the total economic impact of BLU Acceleration in-memory technology at a financial services client.
Forrester paper: The Total Economic Impact Of IBM DB2 With ...
Review 10 ways how developers can use APM to create better applications with end-user experience monitoring to identify problems and performance bottlenecks before they affect end users, deep-dive performance monitoring of application components to baseline performance and detect unusual behavior early, and analysis of multi-step transactions to help developers better understand where delays might occur.
10 Reasons Why Developers Need Application Performance Monitoring
Empower your organization to simplify branch IT. Download our white paper for best practices on developing an end-to-end strategy for branch converged infrastructure.
Orchestrating a Successful Strategy for the Ideal Branch Converged Infrastructure ...
By reading this brief, you will understand the 5 warning signs it's time to rethink your branch IT, and how to embrace Zero Branch IT for greater data protection, better agility, maximum business continuity, optimal performance, and lower TCO.
5 Warning Signs
The convergence of social networks, mobile platforms, connected things, big data and cloud infrastructure redefined interactive applications. It redefined the number of users, the data, the infrastructure and a new generation of databases emerged.