As organizations expand their use of public key infrastructure (PKI) to ensure security, the cost and complexity of managing their own PKI infrastructure often becomes a burden. Your business needs an efficient and scalable approach to managing digital certificates.
IT Management
This paper from Osterman Research, explores the origins of the "information problem" many organizations are now facing and presents a detailed discussion of how to calculate your current information costs as well as how to calculate the ROI of an information governance program.
Osterman Whitepaper: The True ROI of Information Governance
The global healthcare industry is at a crisis point. Escalating costs, inconsistent quality, a critical shortage of skilled workers and an increasing demand for services are causing both providers and payers of care to look for innovative ways to increase operating margins, reduce costs and improve quality and safety while increasing access to care.
IBM Software White Paper: Analytics for Healthcare: Improve care, reduce ...
Healthcare provider organizations are facing major market and regulatory changes that are driving a fundamental shift in the expectations of all stakeholders. They are looking to transform their organizations in ways that will allow them to maintain the highest standards of quality while transitioning to new business models based on outcomes and value.
IBM Software White Paper: Using analytics and collaboration to improve ...
Dedicated to protecting citizens and property, many law enforcement agencies are finding it more and more difficult to ensure public safety. Police departments face increasing demand for services and a broadening set of responsibilities
IBM Smarter Cities Public SafetyLaw Enforcement
Law enforcement is increasingly an information management business. Getting the right information into the right hands at the right time can prevent crime and save lives.
High-performance law enforcement: Technology-powered policing for the twenty-first century
With the global population exceeding 7 billion, natural disasters and emergency events are inevitable. Not only are there more people on the planet, but they are also building in regions prone to ?oods, earthquakes, hurricanes and ?res, increasing the likelihood of a natural hazard turning into a major catastrophe.
EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT for the 21st century
In the late summer months, a tropical depression forms over warm ocean waters. Meteorologists track the system as it increases in both size and intensity, becoming first a tropical storm and then a hurricane.
Smarter Cities Thought Leadership White Paper: 21st century emergency management
Change is in the air for universities. Administrators must be adaptable to the changing dynamics of higher education while being responsive to ongoing pressures to increase efficiencies.