The NoSQL Evaluator's Guide presents a framework for evaluating NoSQL databases for the enterprise. It begins with an overview of NoSQL technology, features and models, and concludes with evaluation criteria.
IT Management
Enterprises are rapidly adopting NoSQL technology to power web, mobile, and Internet of Things applications at scale. But exactly how are they using NoSQL?
The Top 10 Enterprise NoSQL Use Cases
NoSQL database technology is increasingly being chosen as a viable alternative to relational databases, particularly for interactive web applications. Developers accustomed to data modeling and application development against RDBMS need to approach things differently.
Making the Shift from Relational to NoSQL
Looking to power through high-workload, technical or scientific applications and deliver a superior, world-class creative output quickly and cost effectively? Download The right tool for the job, an e-Guide that uncovers how media companies are leveraging Dell workstations with Nvidia graphics to gain greater creativity, productivity, and reliability
When should you buy a workstation vs. a PC? How ...
The most important factor in configuring and buying the right workstation is to know how it will be used. The most important factor in configuring and buying the right workstation is to know how it will be used.
How to select the right workstation
For creative designers, software is paramount in providing the features and functionality needed to ensure the project delivers the results you are looking for.However, hardware such as a workstation outfitted with professional graphics from Nvidia, is integral to performance as well.
How to speed up your creative workflow by more than ...
In order to have a responsive and resilient website, there are critical decisions you should make in the planning process with regard to security, load testing, load balancing and scalability. In this paper, Terri Donahue, Microsoft IIS MVP, outlines specific decisions and tasks you should perform to effectively plan and implement your IIS environment.
Internet Information Services (IIS) Implementation Best Practices
Looking to gain faster performance and productivity for your organization before investing in a suitable system? Download the AutoCAD 2015 productivity study to get a detailed comparison of AutoCAD 2010 and AutoCAD 2015 running on Dell Precision T1600 and T1700 workstations.
AutoCAD 2015 Productivity Study: A comparison of AutoCAD 2010 and ...
Does a software upgrade alone make users more productive? Could a user's productivity be further enhanced by also upgrading their hardware?
SOLIDWORKS 2015 Productivity Study: A comparison of SOLIDWORKS 2012 and ...
When IBM and Oracle asked us to conduct this study, we were fairly certain that we'd find retailers looking at emerging markets for growth. After all, a majority of respondents were drawn from well-served retail markets like the United States and the United Kingdom.