Emergency workers need to have technology they can transport easily and use wherever they wind up during disasters or at a patient's bedside. Durable, lightweight tablet PCs give emergency workers exactly what they're looking for.
While the number and types of devices are proliferating and changing, computer selection is becoming more about the situation, location and occasion. Therefore, choosing the right device requires understanding the different types of user groups within the organization.
Meeting the Mobility Demands of an Evolving Workforce
Mobile technology may be reshaping business strategy, but many organizations are mired in antiquated thinking about mobility that keeps them from realizing its full potential. We expose three mobility myths and lay bare the truth about implementing an effective mobile strategy.
Mobile Security: Confidence Ebbs as BYOD Booms
Tablets are increasingly finding their way into the workplace as workers become accostomed to their portability and ease of use, but a number of obstacles often prevent tablets from being used as a primary business device. Download this paper to better understand these challenges, see how Dell Venue tablets with Intel Inside® can help, and see real-world examples of tablets at work.
ransforming Your Business with Tablets
A mobility strategy should be embedded in an IT strategy, work processes and policies to align investments with business goals. IT leaders should consolidate PCs, Macs, desk phones, ruggedized devices, mobile devices and alternative endpoint device teams into a single I&O organization.
2014 Strategic Road Map for Endpoints Using Mobility as the ...
Gartner discusses 10 technologies and capabilities that will be critical to organizations wanting to unlock the full potential of mobility as part of their digital business strategy.
Top 10 Mobile Technologies and Capabilities for 2015 and 2016
Microsoft will end support for Windows 2003 in July, 2015. What does this mean to you?
Only A Real Friend Helps You Move
Gartner discusses 10 technologies and capabilities that will be critical to organizations wanting to unlock the full potential of mobility as part of their digital business strategy.
Top 10 Mobile Technologies and Capabilities for 2015 and 2016
A mobility strategy should be embedded in an IT strategy, work processes and policies to align investments with business goals. IT leaders should consolidate PCs, Macs, desk phones, ruggedized devices, mobile devices and alternative endpoint device teams into a single I&O organization.
2014 Strategic Road Map for Endpoints Using Mobility as the ...
An overview of the role the latest Dell tablets play in keeping a mobile workforce productive, secure and manageable.