Tablets designed for work as well as play finally are robust enough to overcome barriers to enterprise adoption. Here's a look at how enterprise tablets differ from their consumer cousins -- and how their use can open doors to new opportunities.
Older PCs are a risk due to outdated OSs and the lack of robust hardware-based security. This Cheat Sheet paper discusses the points you should consider when selecting notebooks and laptops for your mobile and remote workforce.
Cheat Sheet: Mobility and Your Remote Workforce: What to Consider ...
While the number and types of devices are proliferating and changing, computer selection is becoming more about the situation, location and occasion. Therefore, choosing the right device requires understanding the different types of user groups within the organization.
Meeting the Mobility Demands of an Evolving Workforce
Security risks have grown roughly in proportion to the meteoric growth inemployee-owned mobile devices within the workplace. Meanwhile cyber-attacks are growing in sophistication and severity.
Mobile Security: Confidence Ebbs as BYOD Booms
Uncover the challenges that exist between the old style of IT--characterized by cost cutting and infrastructure silosand the "new IT" driven by technology trends of Mobility, Cloud and Big Data.
IDG Survey Report: Rethinking IT to Drive Business Value
After July 14, 2015 Microsoft will end all support including extended paid support for Windows Server 2003. The time has arrived to replace aging server hardware and obsolete software.
Preparing for the Cloud: Server Strategies for Agility, Mobility and ...
Video: This is one of the most demanding envronments for the ,ost demanding users a computer can have.
The ThinkPad® 11e: Rugged Protection Against Rough Use
Mobility empowers the enterprise workforce. But it also introduces new risks to network security.
Security for Every Connected Device
There are already more than 150 million consumer smartphones in use in the U.S., and that number is expected to grow to more than 200 million by 2017. The figures for tablets are equally impressive, with the current 132 million expected to grow to more than 190 million by 2017. With 39 percent of the U.S. workforce already working in mobile environments for a significant part of their week, this is also a revolution.
Image Capture Will Transform the Mobile Customer Experience
Improve revenue, loyalty, and productivity while controlling costs. It's a given: Most shoppers are now armed with a mobile device when they enter a retail store. They are highly informed and expect retail employees they interact with to be at least, if not more knowledgeable about a store's products, promotions, and services.