
Principled Technologies compared the experience of connecting a Dell Latitude™ Ultrabook system featuring the new 5th Generation Intel Core processor to an HD display with both HDMI cables and wirelessly via Intel® Pro WiDi. Read this report to find the results of the test and learn how pairing Intel® Pro WiDi with a Dell notebook on your next client refresh will foster greater security and privacy advantages over other ways of connecting.

A Better Presentation Experience with Intel® Pro WIDI

This paper examines the four stages of evolution as security organizations move from reactively responding to incidents to proactively identifying and hunting for threats. It provides a snapshot of each stage, including the size and structure of the security team, approaches to incident response (IR), team skill sets and necessary metrics.

Evolving to Hunt: Changing Organization Models and Metrics for Effective ...

DDoS prevention appliances are the first line of defense for most service providers and large enterprises around the globe looking to protect themselves from brute-force attacks on network or resource availability, and with the unprecedented number, size, and coverage of DDoS attacks since the floodgates opens in 2008, vendors who build DDoS prevention solutions have seen and continue to see a significant increase in demand.

DDoS Prevention Appliances Biannual Worldwide and Regional Market Share and ...

The ground has shifted under most enterprise IT security staff. Breaches are now capturing prime-time air across mainstream media outlets. As the world becomes more connected, it is no longer enough for enterprises to react once an alert indicates an attacker is inside the network.

The Hunted Becomes the Hunter