Principled Technologies compared the experience of connecting a Dell Latitude Ultrabook system featuring the new 5th Generation Intel Core processor to an HD display with both HDMI cables and wirelessly via Intel® Pro WiDi. Read this report to find the results of the test and learn how pairing Intel® Pro WiDi with a Dell notebook on your next client refresh will foster greater security and privacy advantages over other ways of connecting.
Replacing an aging desktop fleet is an important investment in your business. Faster and more reliable systems that offer the latest technology provide your employees an opportunity to be more productive with less waiting while they work.
Change Your Desktops, Change Your Business Infographic
Older PCs are a risk due to a lack of robust hardware-based security, older processors, and outdated operating systems. This Cheat Sheet paper discusses the points you should consider when selecting notebooks and laptops for your mobile and remote workforce.
Cheat Sheet: Mobility and Your Remote Workforce: What to Consider ...
Download The World's Most Manageable PCs, an infographic that reveals the four key reasons why customers invest in a particular brand when it comes to PCs. Also included is helpful information on how Dell compares with HP and Lenovo deployments in an enterprise
The World’s Most Manageable PCs: Why Customers Buy Dell
This paper details the benefits of switching to Windows 10 and the best new features of the new OS for business. Explore the benefits of moving to modern operating systems and get a quick list of actions you can take to ease the way.
6 Benefits of Upgrading to Windows 10
Enterprise IT departments are continually looking for ways to improve user experience, satisfaction and loyalty among notebook users. Through its quarterly CSAT study, TBR surveys enterprise notebook customers to determine the essential notebook PC attributes needed for successful and efficient personal computing operations within large enterprises.
Analysis Report: Dell notebooks are the most reliable according to ...
Don't let cables or adapters hold up your meeting. Principled Technologies performed tests using Dell Latitude E7450 Ultrabooks and an Actiontec ScreenBeam Pro Business Edition compared to connecting via HDMI.
Share Your Ideas Seamlessly with Intel® Pro WiDi
Looking for a quick way to understand the quantifiable economic advantages of the private cloud? Download Forrester reveals economic benefits of private cloud an infographic that quickly access specific research based information around average ROI, number of project days saved, as well savings around time and costs around private cloud.
Forrester Reveals Economic Benefits of Private Cloud
A private cloud is an evolution of datacenter virtualization that allows organizations to transform the way they provide IT, from an infrastructure-centric to a service- centric approach. Having your own private cloud can offer huge advantages, especially if you've been feverishly watching your organization's IT struggle to keep up with rapidly changing requirements in an era of increasing financial pressures.
3 tough business challenges a private cloud can handle
Traditional IT models strain to meet today's performance and capacity demands. Outdated applications and deployment practices on aging hardware jeopardize business continuity. Escalating energy and real-estate costs consume budgets that could be used for strategic projects