Learn about the cost savings and business benefits of DB2 with BLU Acceleration. In a commissioned study, Forrester Consulting evaluated the total economic impact of BLU Acceleration in-memory technology at a financial services client.
Analyst Mike Ferguson of Intelligent Business Strategies writes about the enhanced role of transactional DBMS systems in today's world of Big Data. Learn more about how Big Data provides richer transactional data and how that data is captured and analyzed to meet tomorrow's business needs.
Intelligent Business Solutions Report: Big Data – Why Transaction Data ...
Is your mobile engagement strategy keeping up with your customers? Don't lose contact with your customers and lose brand loyalty too.
5 key strategies for successful mobile engagement: Invigorate your brand ...
Simplify access to content both in Box and on premises for improved insight and control of all your business content.
IBM Content Navigator and Box
Forrester's report details findings about how well each vendor fulfills our criteria and where they stand in relation to each other to help enterprise architecture (EA) professionals select the right partner to manage their business' critical content.
The Forrester Wave: ECM Business Content Services, Q3 2015
Industry analyst IDC provides analysis of the IBM and Box strategic partnership.
IBM and Box Form Strategic Partnership: The Promise of Cloud, ...
In today's organizations that rely on data security initiatives are demanding as much scrutiny as identity and access management. Discover the four key now to move towards a more mature solution steps.
Build a program identity and access management of new generation
Building and managing cloud resiliency solutions internally is difficult. Many organizations prefer to work with a third party technology provider for the development and lagestion their cloud solutions.
Using the Internet to improve business resilience
This white paper describes the impact of cloud computing, mobile technologies, social media and business analytics on data centers and provides predictive tools and techniques before employing IBM to help companies build a solid data center strategy.
Disruptive technology trends alter the business and have an impact ...
This research paper from Saugatuck Technology discusses the multi-sourced hybrid IT environment, including how to recognize the needs that can increase costs and compromise operations, and how to optimize the environments for peak effectiveness.