Cloud is more than a buzz word. It is a path to transform your business into the digital age. It impacts all aspects of your business from how you manage IT, how you go to market, how you access critical data and applications, and how you enable mobile and social. Cloud makes your business more nimble and competitive while reducing overall cost.
There's no doubt that content is king. Businesses are increasingly turning data into actionable information. To do so, they must share documents, files and media with colleagues, as well as with partners, suppliers and clients outside the firewall or VPN
Create, Collaborate, Navigate: How to SAFELY Share Enterprise Information Beyond ...
Video: There's no doubt that content is king. Businesses are increasingly turning data into actionable information. To do so, they must share documents, files and media with colleagues, as well as with partners, suppliers and clients outside the firewall or VPN
Create, Collaborate, Navigate: How to SAFELY Share Enterprise Information Beyond ...
With a data explosion upon us that shows no slowing in sight, information governance is no longer an option for corporations. IBM StoredIQ is an important first step toward getting data under control, lowering storage costs and mitigating risk.
StoredIQ Success Stories eBook: Push the Start Button on Information ...
This Gartner newsletter analyzes how IBM StoredIQ can help organizations quickly and cost-effectively find, analyze and act on data to meet hundreds of business and regulatory requirements and solve Big Data problems.
Gartner Newsletter: Cleaning Up Legacy Data with StoredIQ
This paper from Osterman Research explores the origins of the "information problem" many organizations are now facing and presents a detailed discussion of how to calculate your current information costs as well as how to calculate the ROI of an information governance program.
Osterman Whitepaper: The True ROI of Information Governance
This infographic highlights key actions to take in order to align the "keep everything" needs of Big Data with the "defensible disposal" mandates of Information Governance.
Striking the Big Data vs. Good Data Balance
A Frost & Sullivan whitepaper on how Advanced Case Management (ACM) can help those in the financial services unite content, people and process in a seamless solution.
Advanced Case Management for Financial Services: New Tools for Managing ...
Enterprise content management solutions are designed to capture and integrate unstructured data into the organization's business processes and workflows. Even more importantly, enterprise content management solutions from leading vendors are now being designed to leverage such content to transform the way people work and collaborate, to make faster and better business decisions, and to drive better business outcomes.
Enterprise Content Management: Four Things Line of Business Leaders Need ...
Customers interact with companies through a variety of channels, and a company's ability to gather and manage customer information across channels - via a strong document capture and case management strategy - is crucial to faster decision making and achieving positive business outcomes.