Rolling out a 1-to-1 initiative is a huge undertaking, but it doesn't need to be a headache. From your first stakeholder meeting to putting devices in student hands, here's what your district needs to know to ensure a smooth integration.
To prepare students for career readiness in a rapidly changing world, colleges and universities are shifting toward more personalized and collaborative learning environments. Institutions are providing students access to learning anywhere, anytime, on almost any device.
Dell Higher Education Solutions Guide
Security risks have grown roughly in proportion to the meteoric growth inemployee-owned mobile devices within the workplace. Meanwhile cyber-attacks are growing in sophistication and severity.
Mobile Security: Confidence Ebbs as BYOD Booms
Everyone knows there's more data at our fingertips today than ever before, and the growth of that data is continuing at an astronomical rate. Unfortunately, the more data there is, the less accessible it seems to be.
Accelerating database performance without an infrastructure overhaul
Would you like to know about an evolutionary converged architecture that combines the density and innovative agility of hyper-scale computing with the ease of use and efficiency of advanced management technologies, for your data center?
Introducing FX2 Architecture The Convergence Revolution
There are several reasons why nearly 9 in 10 mid-market and large organizations will be prioritizing security next year. Market trends also are forcing IT professionals to meet heightened end user expectations, while securing the evolving perimeter.
Three Essential Components for a Strong End User Security Strategy
Specialized workloads play a key role in keeping organizations up and running- but how do you manage complex I/O demands and performance requirements- while maintaining an easy-to-manage storage environment? Dell Storage can help you explore ways to simplify workload management while achieving a balance of price and performance.
Optimize Your Business-Critical Workloads with Flash Technologies
As the industry continues to push forward with the Cloud, true adoption will ultimately be defined by the customers. Customers have years of history and experience in developing technology processes that work for the business and shouldn't be eliminated.
Partnering with the Cloud for the Sake of the Business
Government workers need greater mobility to get their jobs done in today's challenging times. New hardware and software capabilities are changing mobile devices from "toys" into high-performance computing devices that can perform public sector work powerfully and securely.
Making Tablets and Touch Devices Work for Government
For higher education IT departments, bring your own device (BYOD) is already a reality, whether or not they have specific BYOD policies in place. While in some ways, colleges and universities are better prepared to deal with the BYOD trend than other organizations, the ability to offer device choice without sacrificing control or increasing security risks has become the new measure of success for higher education IT organizations.