Security Threats Continue to Weigh Heavy on Tech Buyers’ Minds 1

Despite best efforts, security remains a tough nut to crack for many organizations.

Security spending is at an all-time high, estimated to top $76 billion worldwide in 2023, according to Statista. And yet, the bad guys continue to infiltrate networks, steal data, and hold information hostage or worse.

No industry, company size, or location is immune to cybersecurity issues. A recent article in the New York Times tells of ransomware attacks hitting one California-based health care system that halted services in at least three of its locations across the United States. The attack forced some locations to close, while others had to rely on paper-based records, according the Times article, with no estimate when services would return to normal.

And, in what truly could be called a head-smack moment, a report from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security investigating a major breach of tech companies last year found the attack was carried out by “exploiting systemic security weaknesses in U.S. telecom carriers and the business supply chain,” according to a CNN article. The perpetrators? Teenagers.

According to the article, the report noted it was “far too easy for the cybercriminals to intercept text messages that corporate employees use to log into systems.”

With the number of networks, systems, devices and other ways for cybercriminals to get beyond the company firewalls, it may seem like organizations are fighting a losing battle to keep their data and employees safe. Technology advances designed to strengthen IT defenses are coming to market almost daily; but how well are IT budgets being utilized to make the most of these new technologies?

Now, more than ever, organizations need to know where their infrastructure is most porous and how they can best protect the systems, networks, devices and more that access, utilize and store their corporate crown jewels—their data. They need the expertise and advice of security—and security-conscious—organizations. They need to be informed of the advances in IT security from even a year ago (a lifetime ago in IT security years). And they need to know how to get the biggest security bang for their IT buck.

If your organization hasn’t had a security check lately, it’s time. A detailed audit can tell you where your security strengths and weaknesses are, and help you determine the best path to achieving a stronger security footprint.

Threats are the one constant in an ever-evolving security landscape. Understanding how security is evolving and remaining vigilant will only bolster your chances of success in thwarting bad actors today and tomorrow.

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