
When you lose other people’s trust, it’s often difficult to regain it. Or impossible. As CIOs and other IT decision-makers orchestrate their companies’ use of ChatGPT and other generative AI programs, they need to ensure their AI initiatives don’t suddenly implode. A poorly managed generative AI effort could lead a […]

How Trustworthy Is Your Use of AI?

These days, it seems as though everyone is talking about AI and its various flavors (think: ChatGPT). The number of headlines about the technology has renewed the conversations regarding its impact on everything from planning vacations to designing next-generation IT infrastructures. There’s still a lot of speculation, as AI is […]

Cybersecurity and AI: Better Together?

Much has been stated about the importance of digital transformation to survive and thrive in today’s digital economy. Digital transformation means something different to every organization. Whether it’s improving operational agility, supporting the increasing volumes of data, improving security, or something different, each organization is banking on the value of […]

Application Modernization: Digital Transformation, Within Budget

Sustainable technology is being lauded as a leading strategic technology trend for 2023. Are you ready? Sustainable technology is a hot trend. How hot? Gartner recognized sustainable technology as one of the must-know trends in its “10 Top Strategic Technology Trends 2023” report, which is intended for an enterprise audience […]

Why Sustainable Technology Should Be a Priority for Tech Marketers ...

The need to replace aging infrastructure and inefficient IT practices and move forward with mobile  and digital content initiatives hasbecome crucial to meeting student and faculty needs.  Download this Whitepaper to discover how Higher Education is utilizing technologies to create flexible learning environments that drive innovation, improve digital literacy and enable existing services.

Mobilizing and Enabling the Delivery of Higher Education