Energy and Utility companies are being challenged by fundamental changes to their business model. Core expectations persist for the delivery of affordable, reliable, sustainable energy, despite declining operations and maintenance budgets and aging asset base. Energy and utility companies need to disruptively innovate business processes through analytics driven operational excellence to increase agility and responsiveness, reduce operational costs and improve asset reliability.
Big Data
Read this issue of Smarter Content Now to learn what it takes to turn information into insights, action and results. Get insights from Gartner and IBM to learn how content management solutions are helping the world's top companies make better decisions, faster.
Gartner and IBM ECM Newsletter
BM® Daeja® ViewONE® Professional document viewer makes it easier for business and IT professionals to view large documents and images as part of their enterprise content management (ECM) solution. The powerful document viewer includes productivity modules and add-on modules to enhance functionality and support.
Daeja Free Trial
Big data analytics offer organizations an unprecedented opportunity to derive new business insights and drive smarter decisions. The outcome of any big data analytics project, however, is only as good as the quality of the data being used.
IDC Whitepaper: Big Data, Good Data, Bad Data — the ...
Today's schools face a serious data problem. The problem isn't that there's too little data flowing through schools - or even that there's too much of it - but rather that its use is too limited to provide the actionable insights into student performance that educators need.
Making the Most of Data for Education
Organisations collect data to improve operations, protect data and meet regulations. But having data isn't enough. You need to understand your data to make smart business decisions and innovate across the enterprise.
Analyse Big Data for Better Results
Organizations collect data to improve operations, protect data and meet regulations. But having data isn't enough. You need to understand your data to make smart business decisions and innovate across the enterprise.
Analyse Big Data for Better Results
Security breaches can happen anywhere in your organisation. Having the ability to analyse any form of data can give you the edge against fraud, theft and infiltration by pinpointing abnormal behaviour patterns quickly.
How to Pinpoint Your Security Risks Better with Big Data
Knowing how your customers use your products and services helps you improve what you offer, which helps you retain more customers while also attracting new ones. This vital knowledge and Big Data requires better data gathering power and analytics.
How to Create 100% Better Products with Big Data
Improving your business operations can span your organizational chart, from line of business (LoB) teams focused on your supply chain to IT teams reporting on communication networks and their switches. You need to know how to intelligently manage and analyze high volumes of operational data in a cost-effective manner.