IT Management

NoSQL DBMSs are growing increasingly popular for a range of uses, including web, mobile, social, and IoT apps. Right now, the advantages of NoSQL makes it a substantial differentiator for many enterprises, but soon it will be must-have technology just to stay competitive. The time to plan your NoSQL strategy is now.

Market Guide for NoSQL DBMSs

Making changes to your business strategy can often create new risks. If your business continuity management (BCM) plan is not part of an organization-wide, integrated program, it may not evolve to address these new risks. Understand which practices can be followed to successfully protect your organization's business operations and reputation with a proactive, business-centric approach to BCM that highlights critical practices

The seven essential practices for effective business continuity management

To tackle today's IT challenges, forward-looking organizations are transforming traditional ITinfrastructure to an Infrastructure as a Service model. To help your organization get started down this path, this eBook explores why you need a new model of IT, how you can make the transformation, and how you can put VMware products and services to work to gain agility, automation, and cloud economies - and create a more innovative and dynamic IT foundation.

A New Model of IT

We cover everything you need to know about the state of CGC, from the changing way consumers make high-value purchases like automobiles, to how they select food retailers and financial services. You'll get our most up-to-date findings and statistics, as well as strategies for improving the performance of your CGC campaign.

Learn how consumer-generated content is changing shopping behavior online and ...

In this paper, Taneja Group presents an evaluation of the end user computing (EUC) market vendorlandscape for enterprise customers. The objective is to evaluate enterprise EUC (including business mobility) offerings from leading vendors, to enable senior business and technology leaders to decide which vendors in the market offer the best overall solution. 

An Overview of the End User Computing Market Vendor Landscape ...