Students today have more flexibility than ever to work at their convenienceand that means having 24x7 support for their devices. However, higher education IT staffs struggle with flat or declining budgets.
Mobile technologies empower health and social services organizations to better care for their communities even as cybercrime continues to nag at efforts to leverage this valuable capability. Download Going Mobile, Sans Security Breaches, an issue brief by the Governing Institute, and discover how Mecklenburg County, NC was able to protect mobile devices - while providing 24/7 access.
Mobility: Empowering Health and Social Services Personnel
Modern mobile technology has transformed the ability of first responders and law enforcement personnel to address, manage and resolve the daily life-and-death situations they face as they serve their communities. Is your organization leveraging mobility best practices and solutions to get the job done?
When Every Second Counts: The Case for Modern Mobility for ...
Nine out of ten IT departments spend the majority of their time doing routine administrative tasks such as adding and managing server workloads, adding users or launching applications. Virtualization can change all that. To learn more, attend the Online VMware Forum 2014. You'll learn to radically simplify your IT infrastructure without from data center to desktop.
Online VMware Forum 2014
IT organizations must provide an enterprise-wide view of system health to avoid downtime of customer-facing systems.
Ops Management: 7 Features IT Needs
To fully take advantage of cloud computing, IT must transform organizations, operational processes and software technology. To optimize for the cloud, IT should follow these steps: Implement a cloud infrastructure center of excellence deploy and operate cloud infrastructure to meet service-level agreements
Implement a cloud tenant operations organization engage the CIO, financial governance and business units in the process
Develop symbiotic relationship collaboration between infrastructure and tenant organizations
IT Org Structure: Optimize For The Cloud
As virtual environments grow, IT organizations need management that delivers monitoring, performance and capacity information at a glance.
Virtualization Management: 10 Tech Tips
Lack of budget, tech expertise or a long-term strategy can prevent IT organizations from realizing the full potential of virtualization-driven IT as a Service (ITaaS) strategies. Business that have reached the ITaaS level of performance follow these best practices: Get executive backing of ITaaS
Develop an inclusive tech roadmap
Shift IT's focus to service delivery
Reinvent IT to align with virtualization, cloud
Replace manual IT processes with automated ones
Create a catalog of IT services
Give IT control over third-party and internal services
Virtualization Rollout: Advance Consistently
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